Jesus said "I tall you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will Build my Church."... ေယရွု က "ငါ အမွန္ဆိုသည္ကား၊ သင္သည္ ေပတရု ျဖစ္၏။ ဤေက်ာက္ေပၚမွာ ငါ ၏ အသင္းေတာ္ ကို ငါ တည္ေဆာက္မည္။" (MATTEW 16:18)

7 St Gregory Nazianzus, 330-390 (Doctor of Theologians)

Saint Gregory of Nazianzus

St. Gregory the Theologian
Fresco from Kariye Camii, Istanbul, Turkey

Theologian, Doctor of the Church, Great Hierarch, Cappadocian Father, Ecumenical Teacher

- Born -- AD 329, Arianzum, Cappadocia
- Died -- January 25, 389, Arianzum, Cappadocia
- Venerated in -- Eastern Christianity, Western Christianity and Oriental Orthodoxy
- Canonized -- pre-congregation
- Major shrine -- Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George in the Fanar
- Feast -- Eastern Orthodox Church: January 25 (primary feast day)
January 30 (Three Great Hierarchs)
Roman Catholic Church: January 2 (c. 1500-1969 May 9)
- Attributes -- Vested as a bishop, wearing an omophorion; holding a Gospel Book or scroll. Iconographically, he is depicted as balding with a bushy white beard